FASD & Educational Accommodations

Date Reviewed Apr 2022
Resource Type video

Individuals that are diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder face many challenges at home, in the community, and in the classroom. This video is a first-hand account of how appropriate supports and accommodations can improve the daily life of an individual living with FASD in an educational setting.

FORT and Temenos are specialized FASD informed treatment programs for children and youth diagnosed with FASD experiencing challenges at school which impede their opportunity to learn and achieve at their full potential.

The self-advocates in this video are students from the FORT and Temenos programs (Carizon). They want to share some of their knowledge and experience of FASD and how it has impacted their school experience.

Graphics by Ashton Rodenhiser, Mind's Eye Creative Consulting

FASD & Educational Accommodations